April L Romero

April Romero [ChFEBC℠]

222 Central Park Ave
Suite 1100
Virginia Beach, VA 23462

Original Certificate Date: 12/5/2018

ChFEBC℠ Number: 48712AVR1

Organization: MassMutual

Broker Dealer: MML Investors Services, LLC

Phone: 757-493-4311
Cell: 757-816-0437

Email: april@larochewealth.com

Website: www.larochewealth.com

States Currently Licensed: VA 

Primary State Insurance License #: 923016

CRD #: 5847798

Primary Insurance: MassMutual, Ohio National

Primary Investment: Varies depending on the need of my client

Services: Financial planning to include retirement planning, estate planning, asset management, protection planning, college planning