David Fei [ChFEBC℠, CFP®, AIF®]
6710 Rockledge Dr
Suite 400
Bethesda, MD 20817
Original Certificate Date: 12/21/2017
ChFEBC℠ Number: 1172DFR21
Organization: PlanWell Financial Planning
Broker Dealer: Osaic Wealth
Phone: 301-388-5489
Cell: 301-388-5489
Email: david.fei@planwellfp.com
website: www.planwellfp.com
States currently Licensed: MD, DC, VA, CA, FL, GA, IL, KY, NY, PA, TX, WA, WV, WI, WY
CRD #: 452874
CFP #: 186776
Services: Financial planning designed specifically for federal employees. We cover CSRS, FERS, survivor benefits, FEGLI, FEHB, Medicare, TSP, and other areas important to the federal professional. Every Federal employee receives a comprehensive Federal Benefits Report that is specific to your Federal service and retirement.