Glenn W Mosseller

Glenn W Mosseller [ChFEBC℠, RFC®]

109 Muris Chapel Road
Greensboro, NC 27410

Original Certification Date: 01/12/2016

ChFEBC℠ Number: 113154GMG

Organization: Roadmap Financial Consulting, LLC

Phone: 336-291-3535
Cell: 336-253-5703
Fax: 336-355-1717



States Currently Licensed: NC

State Insurance License #: 0002365473

CRD #: 6009605

Services: Comprehensive Financial Planning for Federal Employees. Starting with CSRS & FERS benefit education, I provide complimentary benefit analysis designed to maximize benefits and lifetime income. I focus on individualized planning that utilizes tax advantaged strategies designed to reduce the risks of future taxation, market volatility, and potential long term care expenses. All reviews include comprehensive Retirement Income Analysis, including Social Security, Pension and TSP planning options. We will also review your Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI).

Additional Information: Associations & Affiliations: Better Business Bureau, Certified Financial Education Instructor, International Association of Registered Financial Consultants, National Association of Tax Professionals