Gregory W. Lawrence [ChFEBC℠, CFP®]
21628 Berwhich Run
Estero, FL 33928
Original Certificate Date: 5/30/2019
ChFEBC Number: 41G9EL100
Organization: Lawrence Legacy Group, LLC
RIA: Estate Planners of New England
Phone: 239-354-7934
Cell: 239-207-6840
Fax: 239-354-7934
States Currently Licensed: FL, AZ, WA, CA, TX, OH, NJ, PA, MA, NH, DC, VA, MD, NC, ME
Primary Insurance: Nationwide, Athene, Protective Life, One America
Primary Investment: TD Ameritrade and Charles Schwab, Nationwide
Services: Comprehensive financial planning, income planning, risk and fee reduction, tax planning, legacy planning