Jim Fenstermacher

Jim Fenstermacher [ChFEBC℠]

600 W Germantown Pk
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Original Certification Date: 10/10/2023

ChFEBC℠ Number: 29390CJ3F

Organization: 360 Investment and Retirement Advisory

Phone: 844-436-0472
Cell: 215-208-7196
Fax: 844-436-0329

Email: jim.fenstermacher@360ira.com

Website: www.360ira.com

States Currently Licensed: PA, NJ, VA, FL

State Insurance License #: 975960

CRD #: 7544490

Primary Insurance: At 360 IRA, we are independent and shop many highly rated insurance companies to provide our clients with numerous options that best fit their specific needs

Primary Investment: Through our partnership with Charles Shawab, we have access to their extensive trading platform which includes stocks, mutual funds, ETF’s, bonds, preferred stocks and other investment programs to meet the needs of all types of investors

Services: At 360 IRA, we focus on comprehensive financial and retirement planning, Our services are tailored to help individuals and their families transition comfortably into retirement with a special emphasis on income planning and tax reduction

Additional Information: I worked in the corporate world for over 20 years as a National Account Manager. I decided to make the move over to the investment and retirement planning world after Covid, seeing so many people put in difficult situations with a lack of proper fiduciary guidance