Richard Ure [ChFEBC℠]
1155 Pin Oak Street
Niceville FL 32578
Original Certification Date: 4/6/2017
ChFEBC℠ Number: 441R7U40S
Organization: Federal Benefits and Retirement
Broker Dealer: Gradient Securities
Phone: 210-816-4240
Cell: 210-560-1235
Fax: 210-660-4223
States Currently Licensed: TX, AZ, CO, ID, MD, VA, FL
State Insurance License #: 1359502
Primary Insurance: We utilize a brokerage software to compare prices on companies available in the state
Primary Investment Companies: As independent advisors, we can offer an open array of companies
Services: Retirement planning, financial planning, long term care, benefits trainer and coordinator, federal employee retirement specialist, fixed account broker and insurance broker