Sean C. Tucker

Sean C. Tucker [ChFEBC℠]

7333 Paragon Road
Suite 250
Dayton OH 45459

275 Springside Drive
Suite 270
Akron, OH 44333

Original Certificate Date: 12/2/2024

ChFEBC℠ Number: 1TOS11274

Orgainaztion: Prosperity Advisors, LLC

Broker Dealer: Cetera Advisors

Phone: 913-348-4409
Fax: 913-451-2677



States Currently Licensed: MO, KS, FL, TX, IA, NE, IN, OH

State Insurance License #: 8338807

CRD #: 2862114

CFP #: 153366

Primary Insurance: Lincoln, Protective

Primary Investment: In-House Portfolio Management

Additional Information: US Navy ISC (ret), Securities and advisory services offered through Cetera Advisors LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGA Insurance Agency CA Insurance Lic. #0132305), member FINRA/SIPC, a broker/dealer and a Registered Investment Adviser. Prosperity is under separate ownership from Cetera Advisors, LLC